Roleplay mods of Skyrim part 1 - Needs and weather

The first kind of mod we will see is the Roleplay mods. What is it ? Play Roleplay is play with realism, like if our character was a real person in the real life.
When we live, we need to eat, to sleep, to love, to fight etc... So, we can do the same on Skyrim. First off all, you can do it without mod (don't use fast travel, don't leave a quest or do an unrealistic thing (like murder without reason...). But you can load mods too which make Skyrim a real life simulation.

Realistics Needs and Diseases

A simple but complete needs mod. Easier to use than the other needs mods, he will make your character be hungry, tired, slighty and sick. This mod is easy to use and to configure.
It need to be load at the begin of your game (when you enter in the Helgen dungeon) with the MCM.

This mod require SKSE and SkyUI (watch here if you don't have them).

Imps more complex needs

Another needs mod but very complex and realistic. Calories, sugar, mentale... All is in this mod. I think it is too difficult to use, but if you want a great realistic experience, download this mod !

This mod require SKSE and SkyUI (watch here if you don't have them). Don't forget to check the "Download Manual" section for compatibility patches with other mods.

Total realism - basics needs

The last needs mod I will give you. It is easy to use, and is very immersive because of a lot of animation for show you the state of your character. It's a very non intrusive mod, less than the other, without word in your screen, just animation.

Frostfall - Hypotermia campnig survival 

Have you already think : "I can go where I want without clothes, my character is okay." ? Dat is a big realistic problem, and Frostfall is here to correct it ! This really great mod will do few things :

- First of all, the temperature has been added in all of Skyrim, with variation (moutain or not, water or not) and weather (Snowng ? Raining ? ). So, your character will need to prepare his travel before do it. If he doesn't have good clothes or cloak, he will be freezed, and die after one or two hour.
- All the armor of skyrim are usefull (more or less) too protect your character (of course, fur armor are better than leather armor...).
- A camping system has been add, with tent, backpack and firewood.
- Few news items have been add too, to fight the cold and sleep well in nature.

It's one of the best realistic Skyrim's mod, so try it. It is easy to use and too configure.

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